I Came Not to Call the Righteous, but Sinners to Repentance (Luke 5:32)


But their scribes and Pharisees murmured against his disciples, saying, Why do ye eat and drink with publicans and sinners? And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. (Luke 5:30-32)

When Levi was called by Jesus to follow Him, he left his duty and old life and did so. The publicans were often those that exacted more than required to line their own pockets (cf. Luke 3:13), but this man left all that for Jesus the Lord.

Being exuberant of his new calling, Levi, also known as Matthew, threw a party to invite all his friends to tell them, much like Cornelius did later. But the religious leaders were wondering, why hang out with these unwanted, unwelcome sinners, some of which had defected to work with the Roman enemy?

This man Levi knew he was the sick sinner who needed the great physician Jesus Christ. He knew of the terminal diagnosis that only the Savior could turn around. His sin did not just lead to the grave, but to the lake of fire that burns forever. He found the doctor with the cure. These were the people Jesus sought; not the ones that were completely healthy, just like those... wait, like who?

There are no righteous people that do not need the Physician. Those rigid religionists thought they needed no Savior, but they needed Him even more than the publican. At least it was obvious the publican was a sinner. That guy who is in the synagogue or temple (or church) all the time, doing all the right rituals, doing all the right good deeds, thinking they are pleasing God in all they do, not thinking for a second that those otherwise good things done without Christ are the most abhorrent.

You hang by a thread of grace over the fires of eternity. Everyone is on the cusp of facing their Maker. What will you do on that day? We’re one heart attack or car crash away from the end. But our sins were placed on Jesus Christ on the cross. This is the Physician you need; He can take you from the dangling thread to the solid rock. Turn to Jesus while there is still the chance.