The Irruption Daily 2024


Here are the archives of the daily devotionals I have been writing. Currently, it is my goal to write something daily, Lord willing. I pray that you will find them helpful.

December 2024

  1. My God and Your God (John 20:17)2024-12-12
  2. Every commandment2024-12-11
  3. The Pervasiveness of Sin2024-12-10
  4. Ye Became the Servants of Righteousness2024-12-09
  5. Envying, and Strife, and Divisions2024-12-08
  6. I Beheld the Earth, and, Lo, It Was Without Form, and Void2024-12-07
  7. Flesh or Spirit2024-12-06
  8. The LORD’S Hand Is Not Shortened2024-12-05

November 2024

  1. Wisdom2024-11-30
  2. With Great Pomp (Acts 25:23)2024-11-18
  3. Be not wise in thine own eyes (Proverbs 3:7)2024-11-17
  4. Thou shalt not speak evil of the ruler of thy people (Acts 23:5)2024-11-16
  5. Roman Citizenship in the Bible2024-11-15
  6. It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes (Psalm 118:9)2024-11-14
  7. All the Counsel of God2024-11-13
  8. The Sons of Sceva2024-11-12
  9. Shewing by the scriptures that Jesus was Christ2024-11-11
  10. That Man Whom He Hath Ordained2024-11-10
  11. The Circumcision of Timothy2024-11-09
  12. Confirming the Souls2024-11-08
  13. As the hart panteth after the water brooks (Psalm 42:1-2)2024-11-07
  14. The LORD sitteth upon the flood (Psalm 29:10)2024-11-06
  15. The Lord Smote Him (Acts 12:23)2024-11-05
  16. They of the circumcision which believed were astonished (Acts 10:45)2024-11-04
  17. Why the Spirit was Delayed to the Samaritans2024-11-03
  18. The Audacity of Job’s Opponents2024-11-02
  19. The Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip (Acts 8:39)2024-11-01

October 2024

  1. Serving the King2024-10-31
  2. Avoiding Entanglements2024-10-30
  3. Baptism and the Lord's Supper2024-10-29
  4. In the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers2024-10-28
  5. Sent him to bless you2024-10-27
  6. Thoughts on the Age of Artificial Intelligence2024-10-26
  7. Found Grace2024-10-25
  8. The world itself could not contain the books (John 21:25)2024-10-24
  9. But these are written2024-10-23
  10. The words of Necho from the mouth of God (2 Chronicles 35:22)2024-10-22
  11. That they might eat the Passover2024-10-21
  12. The LORD is able to give thee much more than this (2 Chronicles 25:9)2024-10-20
  13. Jesus answered them, Do ye now believe? (John 16:31)2024-10-19
  14. He walked in the first ways2024-10-18
  15. The truth offends, but we don’t have to2024-10-17
  16. On the good ground (Luke 8:15)2024-10-16
  17. Controlling the Tongue in the Book of Ecclesiastes2024-10-15
  18. Controlling the Tongue in the Book of Proverbs2024-10-14
  19. Believe the works2024-10-13
  20. Stop Dreaming, Start Doing2024-10-12
  21. Go, and sin no more (John 8:11)2024-10-11
  22. Never man spake like this man (John 7:46)2024-10-10
  23. And again he denied with an oath, I do not know the man (Matthew 26:72)2024-10-09
  24. Seven Deadly Sins2024-10-08
  25. Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe2024-10-07
  26. The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand (John 3:35)2024-10-06
  27. Is it a time2024-10-05
  28. We have His death and His life 2024-10-04
  29. But I hate him2024-10-03
  30. Controlling the Tongue in the Book of Psalms2024-10-02
  31. Prophesy, who is it that smote thee?2024-10-01

September 2024

  1. There shall not be left one stone upon another (Luke 21:6)2024-09-30
  2. Neither can they die any more2024-09-29
  3. Thou knewest not the time of thy visitation (Luke 19:44)2024-09-28
  4. So then death worketh in us, but life in you (2 Corinthians 4:12)2024-09-27
  5. Thither will the eagles be gathered together (Luke 17:37)2024-09-26
  6. Whosoever Putteth Away His Wife (Luke 16:18)2024-09-25
  7. Moreover I Will Appoint a Place (2 Samuel 7:10)2024-09-24
  8. The Word of God Is True Regardless of What Others Say2024-09-23
  9. We wrestle not against flesh and blood2024-09-22
  10. What makes us think we are on the Lord’s side?2024-09-21
  11. Christ After the Flesh2024-09-20
  12. If One Died for All, Then Were All Dead2024-09-19
  13. The Love of God Is Shed Abroad2024-09-18
  14. But Unto Him2024-09-17
  15. Death to Every Ambition2024-09-16
  16. The Words of the LORD Are Pure Words (Psalm 12:6)2024-09-15
  17. Made a Curse for Us (Galatians 3:13)2024-09-14
  18. Christ Is Dead in Vain (Galatians 2:21)2024-09-13
  19. The LORD’s Prayer, Part 12: Epilogue2024-09-12
  20. The LORD’s Prayer, Part 11 Kingdom, Power, Glory2024-09-11
  21. The LORD’s Prayer, Part 10: Temptation2024-09-10
  22. The LORD’s Prayer, Part 9: Forgive2024-09-09
  23. The LORD’s Prayer, Part 8: Our Daily Bread2024-09-08
  24. The LORD’s Prayer, Part 7: Thy Will Be Done2024-09-07
  25. The LORD’s Prayer, Part 6: Thy Kingdom Come2024-09-06
  26. The LORD’s Prayer, Part 5: Hallowed Be Thy Name2024-09-05
  27. The LORD’s Prayer, Part 4: In Heaven2024-09-04
  28. The LORD’s Prayer, Part 3: Our Father2024-09-03
  29. The LORD’s Prayer, Part 2: Vain Repetitions2024-09-02
  30. The LORD’s Prayer, Part 1: In Secret2024-09-01

August 2024

  1. The LORD’s Prayer2024-08-31
  2. A Prophet Is Not Without Honour (Mark 6:4)2024-08-30
  3. And They Shall Be All Taught of God (John 6:45)2024-08-29
  4. They Would Crucify Him Again2024-08-28
  5. Calleth Unto Him Whom He Would (Mark 3:13)2024-08-27
  6. Gospel Minute 11: Epilogue2024-08-26
  7. Gospel Minute 10: Right with Him2024-08-25
  8. Gospel Minute 9: Translated2024-08-24
  9. Gospel Minute 8: Wages or Gift2024-08-23
  10. Gospel Minute 7: Everlasting Life2024-08-22
  11. Gospel Minute 6: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ2024-08-21
  12. Gospel Minute 5: Jesus2024-08-20
  13. Gospel Minute 4: Death2024-08-19
  14. Gospel Minute 3: None Righteous2024-08-18
  15. Gospel Minute 2: All Have Sinned2024-08-17
  16. Gospel Minute 1: God the Creator2024-08-16
  17. Gospel Minutes2024-08-15
  18. It Is a Blessing to Be Called the Children of God2024-08-14
  19. Be Ye Therefore Perfect (Matthew 5:48)2024-08-13
  20. I Went into Arabia2024-08-12
  21. Brokenness Precedes Victory2024-08-11
  22. Being a Friend to the Unfriendly2024-08-10
  23. The Passover Lamb’s Deliverance2024-08-09
  24. We Must Consent to Die2024-08-08
  25. Partakers2024-08-07
  26. Ye Thought Evil Against Me; But God Meant It unto Good (Genesis 50:20)2024-08-06
  27. To Wait for His Son from Heaven (1 Thessalonians 1:10)2024-08-05
  28. No Man Can Say That Jesus is the Lord, But by the Holy Ghost (1 Corinthians 12:3)2024-08-04
  29. The Spirit of Christ Which Was in Them2024-08-03
  30. Hiding Religiosity2024-08-02
  31. If the Salt Have Lost His Savour (Matthew 5:13)2024-08-01

July 2024

  1. Healing All Manner of Sickness (Matthew 4:23)2024-07-31
  2. He Shall Glorify Me (John 16:14)2024-07-30
  3. This Is Now Bone of My Bones, and Flesh of My Flesh (Genesis 2:23)2024-07-29
  4. The Holy Spirit as the Expounder of Scriptures2024-07-28
  5. The Holy Spirit and Scripture’s Human Authors2024-07-27
  6. To Fulfil the Word of God (Colossians 1:25)2024-07-26
  7. The Nicolaitans2024-07-25
  8. He Might Gather Together in One All Things in Christ (Ephesians 1:10)2024-07-24
  9. But For Us Also (Romans 4:23)2024-07-23
  10. Now the Spirit Speaketh Expressly (1 Timothy 4:1)2024-07-22
  11. Perfect and Purposeful2024-07-21
  12. Broken Pitchers2024-07-20
  13. In Works They Deny Him (Titus 1:16)2024-07-19
  14. To Reading, to Exhortation, to Doctrine (1 Timothy 4:13)2024-07-18
  15. Also in Power, and in the Holy Ghost (1 Thessalonians 1:5)2024-07-17
  16. And Be Found in Him (Philippians 3:9)2024-07-16
  17. The Works of the Flesh Are Manifest (Galatians 5:19)2024-07-15
  18. Exceeding Greatness of His Power to Us-ward (Ephesians 1:19-23)2024-07-14
  19. Water and the Spirit2024-07-13
  20. Filled with the Spirit: Testimony2024-07-12
  21. Filled with the Spirit: Joy2024-07-11
  22. Filled with the Spirit: Service2024-07-10
  23. The Holy Spirit and Power2024-07-09
  24. Worship and the Holy Spirit2024-07-08
  25. Good Stewards of the Manifold Grace of God (1 Peter 4:10:11)2024-07-07
  26. Unity of the Spirit2024-07-06
  27. Baptized into One Body (1 Corinthians 12:13)2024-07-05
  28. So Also Is Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12)2024-07-04
  29. Led of the Spirit (Galatians 5:17-18)2024-07-03
  30. Praying in the Holy Spirit2024-07-02
  31. Anointing of the Holy Spirit2024-07-01

June 2024

  1. Communion of the Holy Spirit2024-06-30
  2. Speak Ye unto the Rock before Their Eyes (Numbers 20:8)2024-06-29
  3. Thoughts on Sealing and Earnest of the Spirit2024-06-28
  4. Thoughts on Regeneration and Rebirth2024-06-27
  5. Of Judgment, Because the Prince of This World Is Judged (John 16:11)2024-06-26
  6. Ye Do Always Resist the Holy Ghost (Acts 7:51)2024-06-25
  7. An Habitation of God2024-06-24
  8. The Office of the Prophet2024-06-23
  9. Thoughts on the Holy Spirit †2024-06-22
  10. A Faithful Man Who Can Find? (Proverbs 20:6)2024-06-21
  11. Jesus Christ, and Him Crucified (1 Corinthians 2:2)2024-06-20
  12. Lord’s Freeman, Christ’s Servant (1 Corinthians 7:22)2024-06-19
  13. Come Short of the Glory of God (Romans 3:23)2024-06-18
  14. Eye Hath Not Seen, Nor Ear Heard (Isaiah 64:4; 1 Corinthians 2:9)2024-06-17
  15. A Spectacle unto the World (1 Corinthians 4:9)2024-06-16
  16. The Thoughts of the Wise (Psalm 94:11; 1 Corinthians 3:20)2024-06-15
  17. So He Made It Again Another Vessel (Jeremiah 18:4)2024-06-14
  18. Who Shall Also Confirm You unto the End (1 Corinthians 1:7-8)2024-06-13
  19. The Obedience of Faith2024-06-12
  20. I Have Put My Words in Thy Mouth (Jeremiah 1:9)2024-06-11
  21. All Flesh Come to Worship Before Me (Isaiah 66:22-23)2024-06-10
  22. Nevertheless Not My Will, but Thine, Be Done (Luke 22:42)2024-06-09
  23. The Lord GOD Hath Given Me the Tongue of the Learned (Isaiah 50:4)2024-06-08
  24. The Fury of His Anger (Isaiah 42:25)2024-06-07
  25. None Other Name2024-06-06
  26. But They Rebelled, and Vexed His Holy Spirit (Isaiah 63:10)2024-06-05
  27. For He Saith, The Old Is Better (Luke 5:39)2024-06-04
  28. Go Not After Them, Nor Follow Them (Luke 17:23)2024-06-03
  29. He That Is Hanged Is Accursed of God (Deuteronomy 21:23)2024-06-02
  30. The Onus Is on the Believer2024-06-01

May 2024

  1. The Voice of My Beloved! (Song of Solomon 2:8)2024-05-31
  2. Yea, Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death (Psalm 23:4)2024-05-30
  3. My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord2024-05-29
  4. Begotten Us Again (1 Peter 1:3)2024-05-28
  5. Commit Thy Works unto the LORD, and Thy Thoughts Shall Be Established (Proverbs 16:3)2024-05-27
  6. A True Witness Delivereth Souls (Proverbs 14:25)2024-05-26
  7. If Any Man Serve Me, Let Him Follow Me (John 12:26)2024-05-25
  8. Jesus, Which Was Dead, Whom Paul Affirmed to Be Alive (Acts 25:19)2024-05-24
  9. The Way Everlasting (Psalm 139:24)2024-05-23
  10. No Man That Warreth Entangleth Himself (2 Timothy 2:4)2024-05-22
  11. And People Are Fundamentally... Evil2024-05-21
  12. Simon, a Cyrenian2024-05-20
  13. I Set My Face Like a Flint (Isaiah 50:7)2024-05-19
  14. Peniel (Genesis 32:22-32)2024-05-18
  15. Truth2024-05-17
  16. Lie Not One to Another (Colossians 3:9-10)2024-05-16
  17. I Delight to Do Thy Will, O My God (Psalm 40:8)2024-05-15
  18. O Lord My Salvation (Psalm 38:22)2024-05-14
  19. The Sure Mercies of David (Isaiah 55:3; Acts 13:34)2024-05-13
  20. Find, Save, Love Your Life2024-05-12
  21. With Purpose of Heart (Acts 11:23)2024-05-11
  22. That Which Is Born of the Flesh is Flesh (John 3:6)2024-05-10
  23. Nevertheless I Live; Yet Not I, But Christ Liveth in Me (Galatians 2:20)2024-05-09
  24. They Went Down Both Into the Water (Acts 8:38)2024-05-08
  25. Though He Slay Me, Yet Will I Trust in Him (Job 13:15)2024-05-07
  26. He Taketh the Wise in Their Own Craftiness (Job 5:13; 1 Corinthians 3:19)2024-05-06
  27. Of the Rest Durst No Man Join Himself to Them (Acts 5:13)2024-05-05
  28. Against Thy Holy Child Jesus (Acts 4:27)2024-05-04
  29. Who His Own Self Bare Our Sins in His Own Body on the Tree (1 Peter 2:24)2024-05-03
  30. Death Is the Way Out2024-05-02
  31. Crucified2024-05-01

April 2024

  1. This Life Is in His Son (1 John 5:11)2024-04-30
  2. All My Springs Are in Thee (Psalm 87:7)2024-04-29
  3. The Ground of Christ2024-04-28
  4. Thy Words Were Found, and I Did Eat Them (Jeremiah 15:16)2024-04-27
  5. Holy Father (John 17:11)2024-04-26
  6. Delivered, Deliver, Yet Deliver2024-04-25
  7. My Words Abide in You (John 15:7)2024-04-24
  8. Abide in Me, and I in You (John 15:4)2024-04-23
  9. Should Not Abide in Darkness (John 12:46)2024-04-22
  10. If Ye Continue in My Word (John 8:31)2024-04-21
  11. If We Say That We Have No Sin (1 John 1:8)2024-04-20
  12. Understanding of the Times (1 Chronicles 12:32)2024-04-19
  13. Kept by the Power of God (1 Peter 1:5)2024-04-18
  14. The Promise of the Holy Ghost2024-04-17
  15. Rivers of Living Water (John 7:37-38)2024-04-16
  16. They Are Spirit, and They Are Life (John 6:63)2024-04-15
  17. All Men Should Honour the Son (John 5:22-23)2024-04-14
  18. He Revived, and Stood Up on His Feet (2 Kings 13:21)2024-04-13
  19. When Ye Pray, Believe That Ye Receive Them (Mark 11:24)2024-04-12
  20. The Iron Did Swim (2 Kings 6:6)2024-04-11
  21. For With Thee Is the Fountain of Life: In Thy Light Shall We See Light (Psalm 36:9)2024-04-10
  22. Every Plant, Which My Heavenly Father Hath Not Planted, Shall Be Rooted Up (Matthew 15:13)2024-04-09
  23. The LORD Is My Strength and Song2024-04-08
  24. Lord, I Am Ready to Go with Thee (Luke 22:33)2024-04-07
  25. Christ, Who Is Our Life (Colossians 3:4)2024-04-06
  26. He Sent His Word, and Healed Them (Psalm 107:20)2024-04-05
  27. Walk in the Spirit, and Ye Shall Not Fulfil the Lust of the Flesh (Galatians 5:16)2024-04-04
  28. He Died unto Sin Once (Romans 6:10-11)2024-04-03
  29. Dead Indeed unto Sin (Romans 6:10-11)2024-04-02
  30. The Promise of the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:33)2024-04-01

March 2024

  1. He Is Not Here: For He Is Risen (Matthew 28:6)2024-03-31
  2. In the Garden a New Sepulchre (John 19:41)2024-03-30
  3. The Soldiers with a Spear Pierced His Side (John 19:33)2024-03-29
  4. Wickedness Proceedeth from the Wicked (1 Samuel 24:13)2024-03-28
  5. When Thine Eye Is Single (Luke 11:34)2024-03-27
  6. Bought with a Price (1 Corinthians 6:20)2024-03-26
  8. He Went Throughout Every City and Village2024-03-24
  9. Belial2024-03-23
  10. Ho, Every One That Thirsteth2024-03-22
  11. Depart from Me; for I Am a Sinful Man, O Lord (Luke 5:8)2024-03-21
  12. Deliver Us Only, We Pray Thee (Judges 10:15)2024-03-20
  13. And All Flesh Shall See the Salvation of God (Luke 3:6)2024-03-19
  14. Bethlehem, the City of David2024-03-18
  15. And Be Found in Him (Philippians 3:9)2024-03-17
  16. The Righteousness of God Revealed (Romans 1:17)2024-03-16
  17. Asked Not Counsel (Joshua 9:14)2024-03-15
  18. π: A Line of Thirty Cubits Did Compass It Round About (1 Kings 7:23)2024-03-14
  19. Revelation from the Father2024-03-13
  20. Jeshurun2024-03-12
  21. And Ye Are Christ’s; and Christ Is God’s (1 Corinthians 3:23)2024-03-11
  22. Blot Out the Remembrance of Amalek (Deuteronomy 25:19)2024-03-10
  23. Our Old Man Is Crucified with Him (Romans 6:6)2024-03-09
  24. The Sacrifice of Praise (Hebrews 13:15)2024-03-08
  25. The Faithful God (Deuteronomy 7:9)2024-03-07
  26. Baptized into Jesus Christ (Romans 6:3)2024-03-06
  27. The Obedience of One (Romans 5:19)2024-03-05
  28. One Man’s Disobedience (Romans 5:19)2024-03-04
  29. Death Passed Upon All Men (Romans 5:12)2024-03-03
  30. Digging on the Roof (Mark 2:4-5)2024-03-02
  31. Korah’s Rebellion2024-03-01

February 2024

  1. Walking, and Leaping, and Praising God (Acts 3:6-8)2024-02-29
  2. Aceldama, the Field of Blood (Acts 1:19)2024-02-28
  3. Gnashing of Teeth2024-02-27
  4. Them Which Have the Rule Over You (Hebrews 13:7, 17, 24)2024-02-26
  5. My Lord Delayeth His Coming (Matthew 24:48)2024-02-25
  6. Immaculate Conception2024-02-24
  7. The Son of David2024-02-23
  8. We Are Not the Main Characters in God’s Story2024-02-22
  9. To Reveal His Son in Me (Galatians 1:16)2024-02-21
  10. Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven’s Sake (Matthew 19:10-12)2024-02-20
  11. Being Content2024-02-19
  12. Urim and Thummim2024-02-18
  13. The LORD Is On My Side (Psalm 118:6)2024-02-17
  14. All That the LORD Hath Spoken We Will Do (Exodus 19:8)2024-02-16
  15. Because of Their Unbelief (Matthew 13:58)2024-02-15
  16. I Will See Thy Face Again No More (Exodus 10:29)2024-02-14
  17. The Pillars of the Earth2024-02-13
  18. As Being Yourselves Also in the Body (Hebrews 13:3)2024-02-12
  19. Visiting the Prisoners of the Lord2024-02-11
  20. One That Was Born Blind (John 9:32)2024-02-10
  21. I Shall Be Destroyed, I and My House (Genesis 34:30)2024-02-09
  22. The Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12)2024-02-08
  23. The Gate of Heaven (Genesis 28:17)2024-02-07
  24. He Giveth Power to the Faint (Isaiah 40:29)2024-02-06
  25. The Prize2024-02-05
  26. Hagar2024-02-04
  27. As Becometh Saints2024-02-03
  28. His Days Shall Be an Hundred and Twenty Years (Genesis 6:3)2024-02-02
  29. Some Have Entertained Angels Unawares (Hebrews 13:2)2024-02-01

January 2024

  1. Entertain Strangers (Hebrews 13:2)2024-01-31
  2. Brotherly Love2024-01-30
  3. Reverence and Godly Fear (Hebrews 12:28)2024-01-29
  4. Let Us Have Grace (Hebrews 12:28)2024-01-28
  5. Refuse Not Him that Speaketh (Hebrews 12:25)2024-01-27
  6. But I Speak This by Permission, and Not of Commandment (1 Corinthians 7:6)2024-01-26
  7. I Commend Unto You Phebe Our Sister (Romans 16:1-2)2024-01-25
  8. They Shall Take Up Serpents (Mark 16:18)2024-01-24
  9. They Will Hear It (Acts 28:28)2024-01-23
  10. Altogether Such as I Am (Acts 26:29)2024-01-22
  11. We Will Hear Thee Again of This Matter (Acts 17:32)2024-01-21
  12. The Jerusalem Council2024-01-20
  13. Joses, Who by the Apostles Was Surnamed Barnabas2024-01-19
  14. Gamaliel2024-01-18
  15. Follow Me (John 21:19)2024-01-17
  16. These Things Said Esaias, When He Saw His Glory (John 12:41)2024-01-16
  17. John Did No Miracle (John 10:41)2024-01-15
  18. And He Worshipped Him (John 9:38)2024-01-14
  19. If the Grapegatherers Came to Thee (Obadiah 1:5)2024-01-13
  20. A Famine in the Land (Amos 8:11)2024-01-12
  21. Darkening of the Sun and the Moon2024-01-11
  22. Number of Angels (Hebrews 12:22)2024-01-10
  23. Thankful Again2024-01-09
  24. Heavenly Jerusalem2024-01-08
  25. The King Enquired of Them (Daniel 1:20)2024-01-07
  26. Destroy This Temple, and in Three Days I Will Raise It Up (John 2:19)2024-01-06
  27. Shoe’s Latchet (John 1:27)2024-01-05
  28. Peace Be Unto You (Luke 24:36-37)2024-01-04
  29. What Shall Be Done in the Dry? (Luke 23:28-31)2024-01-03
  30. Things Blasphemously Spake They Against Him (Luke 22:65)2024-01-02
  31. Historicity of the Tower of Babel and Its Cultural Context2024-01-01

Irruption Daily 2023