The Irruption Daily 2022


Here are the archives of the daily devotionals I have been writing. Currently, it is my goal to write something daily, Lord willing. I pray that you will find them helpful.

  1. Charity, Part IV: Charity Suffereth Long (1 Corinthians 13:4)2022-12-31
  2. Charity, Part III: It Profiteth Me Nothing (1 Corinthians 13:3)2022-12-30
  3. Charity, Part II: I Am Nothing (1 Corinthians 13:2)2022-12-29
  4. Charity (1 Corinthians 13:1)2022-12-28
  5. A False Vision and Divination (Jeremiah 14:14)2022-12-27
  6. In the Stone a New Name Written (Revelation 2:17)2022-12-26
  7. Anna (Luke 2:36-38)2022-12-25
  8. Good Will Toward Men (Luke 2:14)2022-12-24
  9. Graffed-In Theology2022-12-23
  10. The Great Commission2022-12-22
  11. The Myth of Overpopulation2022-12-21
  12. Tophet, Which Is in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom2022-12-20
  13. Animal Rights and the Bible2022-12-19
  14. Servants of Righteousness (Romans 6:18)2022-12-18
  15. We Were Yet Without Strength (Romans 5:6)2022-12-17
  16. Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14; 8:8; Matthew 1:23)2022-12-16
  17. Holy, Holy, Holy2022-12-15
  18. What Is His Son’s Name, If Thou Canst Tell? (Proverbs 30:4)2022-12-14
  19. Eye for Eye, Tooth for Tooth2022-12-13
  20. His Hands Refuse to Labour (Proverbs 21:25)2022-12-12
  21. The City of the Great King (Psalm 48:1-2)2022-12-11
  22. Memory of the Just (Proverbs 10:7)2022-12-10
  23. Affirmed to Be Alive (Acts 25:19)2022-12-09
  24. He Shall Be Called a Nazarene (Matthew 2:23)2022-12-08
  25. How Precious Also Are Thy Thoughts Unto Me (Psalms 139:17-18)2022-12-07
  26. I Will Send Thee Far Hence (Acts 22:21-22)2022-12-06
  27. It Is More Blessed to Give than to Receive (Acts 20:35)2022-12-05
  28. A Child Is Born: The Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6)2022-12-04
  29. A Child Is Born: The Everlasting Father (Isaiah 9:6)2022-12-03
  30. A Child Is Born: The Mighty God (Isaiah 9:6)2022-12-02
  31. A Child Is Born: Counsellor (Isaiah 9:6)2022-12-01
  32. A Child Is Born: Wonderful (Isaiah 9:6)2022-11-30
  33. Before I Go Hence, and Be No More (Psalm 39:13)2022-11-29
  34. Full Assurance2022-11-28
  35. Who Shall Dwell in Thy Holy Hill? (Psalm 15:1-2)2022-11-27
  36. Hoshea King of Israel2022-11-26
  37. Pekah King of Israel2022-11-25
  38. Pekahiah King of Israel2022-11-24
  39. Menahem King of Israel2022-11-23
  40. Shallum King of Israel2022-11-22
  41. Zachariah King of Israel2022-11-21
  42. Jeroboam the Son of Joash King of Israel2022-11-20
  43. Jehoash King of Israel2022-11-19
  44. Jehoahaz King of Israel2022-11-18
  45. Zedekiah King of Judah2022-11-17
  46. Jehoiachin King of Judah2022-11-16
  47. Jehoiakim King of Judah2022-11-15
  48. Jehoahaz King of Judah2022-11-14
  49. Josiah King of Judah2022-11-13
  50. Jehu King of Israel2022-11-12
  51. Amon King of Judah2022-11-11
  52. Manasseh King of Judah2022-11-10
  53. Jehu the Son of Hanani2022-11-09
  54. The Man of God from Judah (1 Kings 13:1-34)2022-11-08
  55. Jezebel2022-11-07
  56. Jehoram King of Israel2022-11-06
  57. Ahaziah King of Israel2022-11-05
  58. Hezekiah King of Judah2022-11-04
  59. Ahab King of Israel2022-11-03
  60. The Just Shall Live by His Faith (Habakkuk 2:4)2022-11-02
  61. Omri King of Israel2022-11-01
  62. Zimri King of Israel2022-10-31
  63. Elah King of Israel2022-10-30
  64. Ahaz King of Judah2022-10-29
  65. Cain Talked with Abel His Brother (Genesis 4:8)2022-10-28
  66. Naaman the Syrian (2 Kings 5:1-27; Luke 4:27)2022-10-27
  67. Baasha King of Israel2022-10-26
  68. All Things Were Made by Him (John 1:3)2022-10-25
  69. Dinosaurs in the Bible2022-10-24
  70. Evil Communications Corrupt Good Manners (1 Corinthians 15:33)2022-10-23
  71. Ophir2022-10-22
  72. Transgenderism and the Bible2022-10-21
  73. Fiery Flying Serpent2022-10-20
  74. Abominations2022-10-19
  75. Mephibosheth2022-10-18
  76. Increase Our Faith (Luke 17:4-5)2022-10-17
  77. I Shall Go to Him, but He Shall Not Return to Me (2 Samuel 12:23)2022-10-16
  78. God Smote Him There for His Error (2 Samuel 6:7)2022-10-15
  79. David Defeats the Amalekites (1 Samuel 30)2022-10-14
  80. Abigail2022-10-13
  81. Doeg the Edomite (Psalm 52)2022-10-12
  82. A Champion Out of the Camp of the Philistines (1 Samuel 17:4)2022-10-11
  83. The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)2022-10-10
  84. Ebenezer (1 Samuel 7:12)2022-10-09
  85. Hannah2022-10-08
  86. Under Whose Wings Thou Art Come to Trust (Ruth 2:12)2022-10-07
  87. Micah, Jonathan, and the Danites2022-10-06
  88. The Calling of Peter, Andrew, James, John, and Matthew2022-10-05
  89. Jael the Wife of Heber the Kenite2022-10-04
  90. Barak the Son of Abinoam2022-10-03
  91. Cockatrices2022-10-02
  92. Rahab the Dragon2022-10-01
  93. Dragons2022-09-30
  94. Unicorns2022-09-29
  95. Thou Shalt Deny Me Thrice (Mark 14:30)2022-09-28
  96. Search the Scriptures (John 5:39)2022-09-27
  97. Mine Own Familiar Friend (Psalm 41:9)2022-09-26
  98. I Will Incline Mine Ear to a Parable (Psalm 49:4)2022-09-25
  99. I Will Open My Mouth in a Parable (Psalm 78:2)2022-09-24
  100. The Curious Ages of the Ancient World2022-09-23
  101. Behemoth (Job 40:15-24)2022-09-22
  102. For Our God Is a Consuming Fire (Hebrews 12:29)2022-09-21
  103. Giants2022-09-20
  104. Long Traveling and Home Again2022-09-19
  105. Sheep Which Have No Shepherd (Numbers 27:15-17)2022-09-18
  106. They Held Their Peace (Mark 3:4)2022-09-17
  107. The Rod of Aaron (Numbers 17:8)2022-09-16
  108. I Have Not Done Them of Mine Own Mind (Numbers 16:28)2022-09-15
  109. I Do Set My Bow in the Cloud (Genesis 9:13)2022-09-14
  110. The Superscription of His Accusation2022-09-13
  111. Mesa Verde Petroglyphs and the Written Word2022-09-12
  112. The Former Things of Old2022-09-11
  113. Fortresses of the Lord2022-09-10
  114. The Fingerprints of God2022-09-09
  115. “Jesus Never Talked About...” But He Did.2022-09-08
  116. I and My Father Are One (John 10:30)2022-09-07
  117. Equal with God (John 5:18)2022-09-06
  118. Doth He Not Leave the Ninety and Nine (Matthew 18:11-14)2022-09-05
  119. The Transfiguration2022-09-04
  120. But Whom Say Ye That I Am? (Matthew 16:15)2022-09-03
  121. Elim (Exodus 15:27)2022-09-02
  122. The Commandments of Men (Matthew 15:9)2022-09-01
  123. Treasure Hid in a Field (Matthew 13:44)2022-08-31
  124. The Finger of God (Exodus 8:18-19)2022-08-30
  125. The Sabbath Day2022-08-29
  126. Do Not Interpretations Belong to God? (Genesis 40:8)2022-08-28
  127. Fear2022-08-27
  128. The Ultimate Humility (Matthew 8:2-3)2022-08-26
  129. The Holy Spirit to Them That Ask Him (Luke 11:13)2022-08-25
  130. Contrary the One to the Other (Galatians 5:16-18)2022-08-24
  131. Come to the End of Ourselves †2022-08-23
  132. The Generations of Ishmael (Genesis 25:12)2022-08-22
  133. A Better Country, That Is, an Heavenly (Hebrews 11:16)2022-08-21
  134. Repent Ye: For the Kingdom of Heaven Is at Hand (Matthew 3:2)2022-08-20
  135. Wise Men (Matthew 2:1-12)2022-08-19
  136. Cherubims, and a Flaming Sword (Genesis 3:24)2022-08-18
  137. Where Satan Dwelleth (Revelation 2:13)2022-08-17
  138. No Greater Joy (3 John 1:4)2022-08-16
  139. By Water and Blood (1 John 5:6)2022-08-15
  140. Where Is the Promise of His Coming? (2 Peter 3:3-4)2022-08-14
  141. Incorruptible (1 Peter 1:4, 18-19, 23; 3:4)2022-08-13
  142. It Is Set on Fire of Hell (James 3:6)2022-08-12
  143. Quench Not the Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19)2022-08-11
  144. Jesus2022-08-10
  145. The Lord’s Signet (Haggai 2:23)2022-08-09
  146. The House of God (1 Timothy 3:15-16)2022-08-08
  147. The Son of Perdition (2 Thessalonians 2:3)2022-08-07
  148. Sounded Out the Word of the Lord (1 Thessalonians 1:8)2022-08-06
  149. Complete in Him (Colossians 2:10)2022-08-05
  150. Let This Mind Be in You (Philippians 2:4-11)2022-08-04
  151. A Book of Remembrance: The Lamb’s Book of Life (Malachi 3:16)2022-08-03
  152. The BRANCH (Zechariah 6:12)2022-08-02
  153. The Day of the LORD (Zephaniah 1:14-18)2022-08-01
  154. Love and Peace (Ephesians 3:19; Philippians 4:7)2022-07-31
  155. He Is the Living God (Daniel 6:26-27)2022-07-30
  156. The Form of the Fourth (Daniel 3:25)2022-07-29
  157. A New Creature (Galatians 6:14-15)2022-07-28
  158. Live in the Spirit (Galatians 5:24-25)2022-07-27
  159. Truth Makes Enemies (Galatians 4:16)2022-07-26
  160. Then Are Ye Abraham’s Seed (Galatians 3:28-29)2022-07-25
  161. For If I Build Again (Galatians 2:18)2022-07-24
  162. Let Him Be Accursed (Galatians 1:8-9)2022-07-23
  163. Until He Come Whose Right It Is (Ezekiel 21:25-27)2022-07-22
  164. Spared from Lightning2022-07-21
  165. Angel of Light (2 Corinthians 11:14)2022-07-20
  166. The Face of a Cherub (Ezekiel 10:14)2022-07-19
  167. I Went in Bitterness (Ezekiel 3:14)2022-07-18
  168. Out of the Low Dungeon (Lamentations 3:55-58)2022-07-17
  169. Seraiah Was a Quiet Prince (Jeremiah 51:59)2022-07-16
  170. Seekest Thou Great Things for Thyself? (Jeremiah 45:5)2022-07-15
  171. Ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20)2022-07-14
  172. He Cut It with the Penknife (Jeremiah 36:23-25)2022-07-13
  173. Where the Spirit of the Lord Is, There Is Liberty (2 Corinthians 3:17-18)2022-07-12
  174. A Voice Was Heard in Ramah (Jeremiah 31:15)2022-07-11
  175. THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS (Jeremiah 23:6)2022-07-10
  176. The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things (Jeremiah 17:9-10)2022-07-09
  177. Be Ye Stedfast, Unmoveable (1 Corinthians 15:58)2022-07-08
  178. Delivered to Do All These Abominations (Jeremiah 7:9-10)2022-07-07
  179. Stocks and Stones (Jeremiah 2:26-27)2022-07-06
  180. Devouring Fire, Everlasting Burnings (Isaiah 33:14)2022-07-05
  181. He Will Swallow Up Death in Victory (Isaiah 25:8-9)2022-07-04
  182. The Reality of Worldly Education2022-07-03
  183. Striveth for the Mastery (1 Corinthians 9:25)2022-07-02
  184. Seen a Great Light (Isaiah 9:2)2022-07-01
  185. Plowshares and Pruninghooks (Isaiah 2:4)2022-06-30
  186. Thou Art All Fair, My Love (Song of Solomon 4:7)2022-06-29
  187. They Themselves Are Beasts (Ecclesiastes 3:18)2022-06-28
  188. The Day of Adversity (Proverbs 24:10)2022-06-27
  189. He That Getteth Wisdom Loveth His Own Soul (Proverbs 19:8)2022-06-26
  190. The Eyes of the LORD (Proverbs 15:3)2022-06-25
  191. The Piercings of a Sword (Proverbs 12:18)2022-06-24
  192. In Him Was Life (John 1:4)2022-06-23
  193. The Way Everlasting (Psalm 139:23-24)2022-06-22
  194. Out of the Depths (Psalm 130:1)2022-06-21
  195. Settled in Heaven (Psalm 119:89)2022-06-20
  196. Let Another Take His Office (Psalm 109:8)2022-06-19
  197. For of Him, and through Him, and to Him (Romans 11:36)2022-06-18
  198. Teach Us to Number Our Days (Psalm 90:12)2022-06-17
  199. The Lowest Hell (Psalm 86:13)2022-06-16
  200. No Condemnation to Them Which Are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1)2022-06-15
  201. Ye Should Be Married to Another (Romans 7:4)2022-06-14
  202. For He That Is Dead Is Freed from Sin (Romans 6:7)2022-06-13
  203. A New Song (Psalm 40:3)2022-06-12
  204. Blessed Is He Whose Transgression Is Forgiven (Psalm 32:1-2; Romans 4:7-8)2022-06-11
  205. The Voice of the LORD (Psalm 29:7)2022-06-10
  206. Of Him Are Ye in Christ Jesus (1 Corinthians 1:30)2022-06-09
  207. Thou Hast Put Gladness in My Heart (Psalm 4:7)2022-06-08
  208. Leviathan2022-06-07
  209. God Keeps Promises2022-06-06
  210. A Clean Thing Out of an Unclean (Job 14:4)2022-06-05
  211. Oh That My Grief Were Throughly Weighed (Job 6:2-3)2022-06-04
  212. Many of the People of the Land Became Jews (Esther 8:17)2022-06-03
  213. The Precious Blood of Christ (1 Peter 1:18-19)2022-06-02
  214. Protecting Your Spiritual Life (Nehemiah 13:7-8)2022-06-01
  215. The Pharisee and the Publican (Luke 18:9-14)2022-05-31
  216. So I Prayed to the God of Heaven (Nehemiah 2:4)2022-05-30
  217. Tentmakers (Acts 18:3)2022-05-29
  218. Build the House of God (Ezra 5:2)2022-05-28
  219. Till There Was No Remedy (2 Chronicles 36:16)2022-05-27
  220. Law vs. Grace2022-05-26
  221. Uzziah King of Judah2022-05-25
  222. Jehoram King of Judah2022-05-24
  223. Asa King of Judah2022-05-23
  224. But the Word of God Grew and Multiplied (Acts 12:24)2022-05-22
  225. Antioch (Acts 11:19-30)2022-05-21
  226. The Third Day2022-05-20
  227. As a Shadow (1 Chronicles 29:15)2022-05-19
  228. Untoward Generation (Acts 2:40)2022-05-18
  229. Saying #7: Father, Into Thy Hands I Commend My Spirit (Luke 23:46)2022-05-17
  230. Saying #6: It is finished (John 19:30)2022-05-16
  231. Saying #5: I Thirst (John 19:28-29)2022-05-15
  232. Saying #4: My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me? (Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34)2022-05-14
  233. Saying #3: Woman, Behold Thy Son! ... Behold Thy Mother! (John 19:26-27)2022-05-13
  234. Saying #2: To Day Shalt Thou Be with Me in Paradise (Luke 23:43)2022-05-12
  235. Saying #1: Father, Forgive Them; For They Know Not What They Do (Luke 23:34)2022-05-11
  236. The Seven Sayings of Jesus on the Cross2022-05-10
  237. God’s Irruption Days2022-05-09
  238. I AM Statement #9: I Am He (John 8:24, 28; 13:19; 18:5-8)2022-05-08
  239. I AM Statement #8: I Am (John 8:58)2022-05-07
  240. I AM Statement #7: I Am the True Vine (John 15:1, 5)2022-05-06
  241. I AM Statement #6: I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6)2022-05-05
  242. I AM Statement #5: I Am the Resurrection, and the Life (John 11:25-26)2022-05-04
  243. I AM Statement #4: I Am the Good Shepherd (John 10:11-18)2022-05-03
  244. I AM Statement #3: I Am the Door of the Sheep (John 10:7-9)2022-05-02
  245. I AM Statement #2: I Am the Light of the World (John 8:12)2022-05-01
  246. I AM Statement #1: I Am the Bread of Life (John 6:35)2022-04-30
  247. The Seven I AM Statements of Jesus2022-04-29
  248. David King of Israel2022-04-28
  249. Sheba, the Son of Bichri (2 Samuel 20)2022-04-27
  250. The Tragedy of Absalom2022-04-26
  251. Free Food (John 6:26)2022-04-25
  252. Moses, in Whom Ye Trust (John 5:45)2022-04-24
  253. I Know that Messias Cometh (John 4:25)2022-04-23
  254. Ishbosheth King of Israel2022-04-22
  255. King Saul2022-04-21
  256. When God is Silent2022-04-20
  257. To Enter into His Glory (Luke 24:25-26)2022-04-19
  258. Saul Eyed David from That Day and Forward (1 Samuel 18:7-9)2022-04-18
  259. Easter in the Bible2022-04-17
  260. To Save by Many or by Few (1 Samuel 14:6-7)2022-04-16
  261. How to Deal with Rejection2022-04-15
  262. Eli the Priest2022-04-14
  263. Shall He Find Faith on the Earth? (Luke 18:8)2022-04-13
  264. Right in His Own Eyes (Judges 17:6)2022-04-12
  265. Samson2022-04-11
  266. Jephthah the Gileadite2022-04-10
  267. Jerubbaal, who is Gideon2022-04-09
  268. Shamgar the Son of Anath (Judges 3:31)2022-04-08
  269. But As for Me and My House, We Will Serve the LORD (Joshua 24:15)2022-04-07
  270. Not Having All the Answers2022-04-06
  271. For Whom He Did Foreknow, He Also Did Predestinate (Romans 8:28-30)2022-04-05
  272. His People Which He Foreknew2022-04-04
  273. Foreknowledge and Foreknew2022-04-03
  274. Achan, the Son of Carmi (Joshua 7)2022-04-02
  275. Man, Thy Sins Are Forgiven Thee (Luke 5:20-21)2022-04-01
  276. I Kill, and I Make Alive (Deuteronomy 32:39-40)2022-03-31
  277. The Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness (Luke 3:4-6)2022-03-30
  278. Simeon’s Praise for Jesus (Luke 2:25)2022-03-29
  279. Behold the Handmaid of the Lord (Luke 1:37-38)2022-03-28
  280. For They Were Afraid (Mark 16:8)2022-03-27
  281. When He Had Scourged Him (Mark 15:15)2022-03-26
  282. Because the LORD Loved You (Deuteronomy 7:7-8)2022-03-25
  283. Lo, Here Is Christ; Or, Lo, He Is There (Mark 13:21-22)2022-03-24
  284. Two Mites (Mark 12:41-44)2022-03-23
  285. The Tribes of Reuben, Gad, and Half of Manasseh (Numbers 32:5)2022-03-22
  286. Followed Jesus in the Way (Mark 10:51-52)2022-03-21
  287. A Passion Prediction (Mark 9:31-32)2022-03-20
  288. Spring Up, O Well (Numbers 21:17-18)2022-03-19
  289. Let the Children First Be Filled (Mark 7:27)2022-03-18
  290. But the Soul that Doeth Ought Presumptuously (Numbers 15:30-31)2022-03-17
  291. Would God That All the LORD’s People Were Prophets (Numbers 11:29)2022-03-16
  292. He Knoweth Not How (Mark 4:26-29)2022-03-15
  293. The LORD Bless Thee, and Keep Thee (Numbers 6:22-27)2022-03-14
  294. Sinners to Repentance (Mark 2:16-17)2022-03-13
  295. Hold Thy Peace, and Come Out of Him (Mark 1:25)2022-03-12
  296. They Came and Held Him by the Feet (Matthew 28:9)2022-03-11
  297. Barabbas (Matthew 27:16)2022-03-10
  298. Gethsemane2022-03-09
  299. Ye Know Neither the Day Nor the Hour (Matthew 25:13)2022-03-08
  300. The Bullock for the Sin Offering (Leviticus 8:14)2022-03-07
  301. All Live unto Him (Luke 20:37-38)2022-03-06
  302. Lethargic Christianity2022-03-05
  303. Hosanna in the Highest (Matthew 21:9)2022-03-04
  304. A Molten Calf (Exodus 32)2022-03-03
  305. First Shall Be Last, Last Shall Be First (Matthew 19:30)2022-03-02
  306. Become as Little Children (Matthew 18:3)2022-03-01
  307. Moses the Evangelist (Exodus 18:8)2022-02-28
  308. Signs of the Times (Matthew 16:1-3)2022-02-27
  309. The Passover2022-02-26
  310. By My Name JEHOVAH (Exodus 6:2-3)2022-02-25
  311. Israel is My Son, Even My Firstborn (Exodus 4:22)2022-02-24
  312. A Coffin in Egypt (Genesis 50:26)2022-02-23
  313. Grace (Romans 11:6)2022-02-22
  314. Joseph2022-02-21
  315. Lord of the Harvest (Matthew 9:37-38)2022-02-20
  316. I Am a Man Under Authority (Matthew 8:8-9)2022-02-19
  317. Judge Not (Matthew 7:1-6)2022-02-18
  318. Perseverance (Genesis 25)2022-02-17
  319. Thy Son, Thine Only Son (Genesis 22)2022-02-16
  320. For He Shall Give His Angels Charge Over Thee (Psalm 91:11-12)2022-02-15
  321. Becoming an Atheist2022-02-14
  322. It’s Not a Popularity Contest2022-02-13
  323. Enoch2022-02-12
  324. Surely I Come Quickly (Revelation 22:20)2022-02-11
  325. Behold, I Come as a Thief (Revelation 16:15)2022-02-10
  326. All Nations, and Kindreds, and People, and Tongues (Revelation 7:9-10)2022-02-09
  327. Lukewarm (Revelation 3:15)2022-02-08
  328. Cain, Balaam, Core (Jude 1:11)2022-02-07
  329. Sinless Perfection (1 John 1:8)2022-02-06
  330. Today2022-02-05
  331. I Will Raise unto David a Righteous Branch2022-02-04
  332. Scripture Reading2022-02-03
  333. The Sinner’s Prayer2022-02-02
  334. The Renewing of the Holy Spirit2022-02-01
  335. The Seven Spirits of God2022-01-31
  336. The Burden of the Church2022-01-30
  337. With His Stripes We Are Healed (Isaiah 53:5)2022-01-29
  338. “I Tried Christianity, but It Didn’t Work”2022-01-28
  339. Except a Corn of Wheat Fall into the Ground and Die (John 12:24)2022-01-27
  340. The Comfort of the Holy Spirit2022-01-26
  341. Our Conversation Is in Heaven (Philippians 3:20)2022-01-25
  342. I Would Never Do That...2022-01-24
  343. Ordained to Eternal Life (Acts 13:48)2022-01-23
  344. All Things to All Men (1 Corinthians 9:21-22)2022-01-22
  345. He Knoweth Them that Trust in Him (Nahum 1:7)2022-01-21
  346. The Devils also Believe, and Tremble (James 2:19)2022-01-20
  347. Imprecatory Prayer2022-01-19
  348. Vow of Praise2022-01-18
  349. The Valley of Jehoshaphat (Joel 3:12)2022-01-17
  350. A Confederacy (Isaiah 8:11-13)2022-01-16
  351. Sovereignty2022-01-15
  352. Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar2022-01-14
  353. The Spirit and the Word2022-01-13
  354. The Secret Cost of the Christian Life2022-01-12
  355. Divers Temptations (James 1:2-3)2022-01-11
  356. He Giveth Power to the Faint2022-01-10
  357. Careful to Listen2022-01-09
  358. The Intersection of Justice and Love2022-01-08
  359. Attributes of the Holy Spirit2022-01-07
  360. Deity of the Holy Spirit2022-01-06
  361. Personhood of the Holy Spirit2022-01-05
  362. The Holy Spirit2022-01-04
  363. His Righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21)2022-01-03
  364. Comfort of Jonah2022-01-02
  365. Ebedmelech (Jeremiah 39:16-18)2022-01-01


Irruption Daily 2021