Apologetics, Logic and Worldview
- 1 Timothy 6:20-21: Final Warning
- And Cain Knew His Wife
- Evolution and the Big Bang
- Evolution: In the Image of God or Animals?
- The Effects of Creationism in a Postmodern World
The Ancient World (Genesis 1-11)
- A Literal, Historical Adam
- A River Went Out of Eden (Genesis 2:5-14)
- Genesis 1-11 in the New Testament
- The Curious Ages of the Ancient World
- The Ark
- The Creation
- The Fall
- The Flood
- The Garden of Eden
- The Importance of Genesis 1-11: God as Creator and Judge
- The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9)
Historicity of Jesus
- Evidence for the Crucifixion of Jesus
- Jesus’ Fulfillment of Prophecies
- The Ancient Creed
- The Historicity of Crucifixion
- The Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth
The Existence of God
- God Cares???
- Questioning God
- The Existence of Evil (Genesis 3)
- Theodicy in the Book of Job
- When God is Silent
- Why God is Good
- Fact and Truth are not Democratic Processes
- Is Truth Relative?
- The Biblical Metanarrative
- The ‘Truth Is Relative’ Story
- What We Can Know