Church History Summary


This project is based on notes I took from a church history course called Defining Moments in Church History.

  1. Fullness of the Time: Preparation of the Ancient World2002-09-20
  2. Organization, Worship, and Social Practices of the New Testament Church2002-09-20
  3. The Writings of the Apostolic Fathers (95-150)2002-09-20
  4. Roman Persecution of the Early Church2002-09-21
  5. Heresies and Division in the Early Church2002-09-21
  6. The Ante-Nicene Fathers2002-09-21
  7. The Church’s Means of Self-Preservation2002-09-21
  8. The Church, The Empire, and The Barbarians2002-09-21
  9. The Great Theological Controversies (325-451)2002-09-21
  10. The Post-Nicene Fathers2002-09-21
  11. The Beginnings of Monasticism2002-09-21
  12. Hierarchical and Liturgical Developments (313-590)2002-09-21
  13. Gregory I: The First Medieval Pope (590-604)2002-10-04
  14. The Church’s Losses and Expansion (ca. 590-800)2002-10-04
  15. Politics, Society and the Early Medieval Church2002-10-04
  16. Increasing Papal Power and the East-West Schism (ca. 800-1054)2002-10-05
  17. The Height of Papal Power (1054-1305)2002-10-05
  18. Crusaders and Reformers2002-10-05
  19. Medieval Learning and Worship2002-10-05
  20. Attempts at Internal Reform2002-10-05
  21. External Opposition to the Papacy2002-10-05
  22. Modern Church History (1517-Present): The Background of the Reformation2002-10-18
  23. Luther and the German Reformation2002-10-18
  24. The Reformation in Switzerland2002-10-19
  25. The Reformed Faith (Calvinism) Outside Switzerland2002-10-19
  26. The Reformation and Puritanism in England2002-10-19
  27. The Counter Reformation and an Evaluation of the Era2002-10-19
  28. Establishment of Christianity in North America2002-11-08
  29. Rationalism and Revivalism in Europe (ca. 1600-1800)2002-11-08
  30. Religion in 19th Century2002-11-09
  31. Christianity in America in the 19th Century2002-11-09
  32. Christianity in America in the 20th Century2002-11-09