The Church’s Losses and Expansion (ca. 590-800)


I. The rise and threat of Islam

The church is gaining on some areas and losing in others. East lost to Islam, west won.

A. Its origins

Militant religion. Arabian peninsula is where it began. Mecca and Medina there. Mostly barren desert. The tribes had not agricultural life, but nomadic, animals and oases that had water. Some cities had contact with outside world. Arabs had many deities before Islam. Trees, wells, stones. Took pilgrimages to sanctuaries. Most important was Kaaba, in Mecca. A relic, black stone. Pilgrimages continued after Islam.

The founder was Muhammad. Lived from 571-632. Born in Mecca, and became orphan at early age. He was a camel driver in a caravan. Worked for wealthy widow named Khadija. He married her, and did not have to drive camels anymore. He devoted life to religious thought. He claimed he had visions and revelations. He began repentance in light of a coming judgment. Borrowed from existing religions of Arabs, Judaism and Christianity. Began to preach, and made a lot of enemies. Driven out of Mecca because he threatened current religions. He fled to Medina. Made more converts there, so many that in 8 years (630, Hegira, his flight) he came back with an army and captured Mecca. Died in 632. Left behind a faith that was ready to expand beyond Arabia.

B. Major beliefs

Based on Quran. Book 2/3 size of NT. Includes moral, theological and political teaching. Authorized Arabic version is used in worship. Linguistic unity to all Muslims. There is one God called Allah. Many prophets, Adam, Noah, Abram, Moses, Jesus. Muhammad was the last and greatest of prophets. Believed in final judgment. Followed by paradise or hell. One attains to paradise by the 5 pillars of faith.

  1. Prayer set at 5 times a day.
  2. Go to Mecca once in a lifetime.
  3. Give alms to poor.
  4. Fasting during Ramadan.
  5. Belief in Allah and Muhammad as his prophet.

Die in battle for faith is automatic. No concept of God’s grace. Fought for the faith. Palestine and Syria.

C. Its expansion

First, it took Palestine and Syria, North Africa, Egypt. Eastward toward India. Also in Spain. Besieged Constantinople, but failed. Tried to get into Gaul, but were stopped and turned back by Charles Martel in 732 in the Battle of Tours. In east, at Baghdad, brilliant civilization. After they conquered them, they treated them very well, because they could pay taxes. Muslims should not pay taxes.

D. Impact on Christianity

Eastern church lost a lot of territory and influence to Islam. Constantinople barely held its own. Islam aggravated debate on use of pictures in church. Iconoclasm, smashing of icons. Muslims sent to Christians using these idols, and called them idol worshippers. Iconoclasm spread, because the Christians agreed.

Western Christianity came into contact with new ideas from Muslims in Spain. Western church came in contact with ancient Greek philosophers, esp. Aristotle. Muslims maintained writings. Christians adopted this philosophy into their own theology.

II. Missionary activity of the church

A. In the British Isles

Celtic church founded/fostered by Patrick, center of missionary activity. Columba to Scotland. These were Celtic missionaries, not Roman. Band of monks sent into the area to rival Celtic church. In 663, a meeting was held: Synod of Whitby. Decided in favor of Roman Catholic Church. Celts were more evangelical. England strong with Roman Catholicism until Reformation. Reputation of education and scholarship. Scholars: Anglo Saxon named Alcuin. Established school in Charlemagne’s empire. Bede (the venerable Bede). Church and school named for him in Holland, PA. History of church in England. British isles adopted Roman Catholic faith.

B. Germany

Where barbaric and Germanic tribes lived. Major missionary: Boniface. Real name Winfrid. Called the apostle of the Germans. He got permission from pope to go to Germany and established church and became Archbishop. Died as martyr in 754. His work was marred by methods of evangelism. To get the leader or chief converted, so the rest will follow. These areas converted to Roman Catholicism, Bavaria to this day still strongly Catholic.

C. The Low Countries

Belgium Netherlands, and Luxembourg. First missionary to these people: Englishman: Wilfrid. Many of the people went back into old ways, though. Willibrord: put church on better footing.

D. Italy

Tribe of people called Lombards. Pagans that had been earlier converted to Arian form of Christianity. No deity of Christ.

E. Spain

Before Islam. Visigoths settled here, were originally Arians. Remember Ulflias. Muslims came in 700.

Mixture of Church losing to Islam, and gaining other territories. Perhaps losing all around. No real gospel being taught. Period of Spiritual darkness