Gregory I: The First Medieval Pope (590-604)


Also known as the Great. Medieval (Latin) means middle age, which was the time period between ancient and modern periods (590-1517, the 95 theses of Luther).

I. A Survey of his life

A. His environment

Born into aristocratic family of Rome. He was not born in a glorious Rome that was known before the Barbarians. By this time, it was taken over by an emperor from the east, Justinian. Ruled from Constantinople. He tried to reconquer the west, but only took part of it. By the time of Gregory’s life, Justinian ruled. The Barbarians took it over again soon.

B. His experience

Not educated for a religious career, but politics. No theological training. When he was bishop, he had to use his political authority to save Rome. He gave up his wealth and went into the monastic life. He became an abbot of the monastery of Rome. In 590 he was chosen to be bishop of Rome. A plagued killed the bishop before him.

C. Work as Roman bishop

No question that he was a man of high moral character. Of the Most noble leaders of Roman church. Humility, good administrator, used tact and common sense. Work hindered by lack of theological training, and of Bible languages.

II. His contributions

A. As an Administrator

Raised status of Roman bishop. Had authority over Gaul, controlled church in Britain and N Africa, and Italy and Spain, and appointed bishops to these areas. Opposed other people that did not share view of bishop of Rome. John the Faster proclaimed himself universal bishop, but was opposed. Money of office used to fight Arians in Spain, and to fight for the faith.

B. Missionary

Sent missionaries out. One day in Rome, he went past slave market, where they were auctioning off Anglo Saxon children for slaves. He said that they were angels, not Angles. Sends out monk called Augustine in 597 to Britain. Roman Catholic missionaries went forth, as there was only the Celtic church, and the two competed. 663, England was won over to Roman Catholic Christianity.

C. Communicator

Good Preacher. Good application. Allegorical. Wrote Commentary on Job. All allegory. Job was type of Christ. Wife, of carnal nature. Sons, were as clergy. Daughters were laity. Pastoral care book. Stressed qualities of Bishop. Letters, 800 survived. Originator of Gregorian Chant, plain song.

D. Theologian

Beginnings of medieval Roman Catholic theology began here. Like Augustine. Very dogmatic. Possibilities became dogmas. i.e. Augustine, possibility of sinners being purified in purgatory. Gregory asserted this conjecture into a doctrine. Superstitions of the day worked into theology. These things became official doctrine of them medieval church. He set the pattern. Salvation: classified Semi-Pelagian. John Cassian: partial corruption, we can cooperate with God for salvation. Some merit before God. Also Purgatory. Church tradition on same level as the Bible. Also church fathers and council decisions. Communion as sacrifice as Christ’s body and blood. Emphasized praying to the saints.