The Church, The Empire, and The Barbarians


Relating itself to Roman state, and also the Germanic tribes of the north. These were the challenges of the church. Church lost a lot of its spiritual power with many comprises.

I. The Church of the Roman Empire

Problems: 1st Roman Emperor, Luke 2:1 Caesar Augustus was the first emperor who founded empire. The Emperor and the Roman senate would share the Roman power of the empire. By the 3rd century, this was no longer practiced. Anarchy when the military started to gain power. 235-285, Series of Emperors called the Barracks Emperors. Military of puppets, 26 emperors in all. Only one of these died a natural death. Rise of chaos. Diocletian tried to reorganize, yet failed. Following him, Constantine, tried to reorganize to give Rome a new sense of unity to stabilize the empire.

Role of the Church: Constantine listed church as an ally to save the empire. Gave the church a number of benefits. His sons followed him and gave additional favors to the church. Theodotius I made Christianity the official state religion. Church united with Roman state, 395. He proclaimed Christianity as the official religion of the state.

Effects of political favor of the church: Moral tone upped, better treatment of women and slaves, gladiator shows cancelled, laws became more just, missionary work encouraged. Downside: who rules, church or state? Church obligated to do other things because of political entanglement.

Overhead: Church’s moral and spiritual condition deteriorated. External ritual more important. Christians came to trust man and government and not God and His Word. The state came to dominate and dictate church decisions. The church became consumed with temporal power. Legislated morality killed spirituality and promoted legalism. The doctrine of Christ’s return was set aside. Union of church and state is never a good idea. Temporary blessings cancelled out quickly.

II. The Church and the Barbarians

Tribes that overran the Roman Empire. Mostly Germanic tribes. The Huns were Mongol. The Roman Empire was already weak. Visigoths went through Greece and eventually sacked Rome in 410. Vandals pushed westward to Spain, went through to north Africa and attacked Rome from the South. Carved out kingdoms for themselves in western Europe. Roman civilization was wiped out in many areas.

Evangelism to Barbarians

Visigoths: settled in Spain. Ulfilas (Little Wolf), missionary to Visigoths. Did not believe in Deity of Christ. Language needed to be reduced to writings. Translated Bible into language. He left out certain books that were warlike, like Samuel, Kings, Chronicles.

Burgundians: Martin of Tours. Organized soldier monks went into destroy pagan worship places.

Franks: Clovis, king, married a Burgundian princess Clotilda who was a Christian. He was converted. His whole tribe followed him.

Britain was evangelized by Roman soldiers. Celtic church did not recognize the authority of Rome. Celtic missionaries reached out to Ireland and Scotland. Patrick was a Celtic missionary, not Roman. He went to Ireland and made a missionary center. Columba evangelized the tribes of Scotland, and made a missionary center. Celtic Christianity temporary held these lands.

There were efforts to evangelize these lands. Effects of this in the church: the pagan tribes were won over too fast to test their conversions. The message was often adulterated. Heresy was brought with the Barbarians. Church is partially paganized. Saint worship came from old deities that were brought into the church.