Hierarchical and Liturgical Developments (313-590)


I. The Dominance of the Roman Bishop

This was because of the moving of the capital from Rome to Constantinople, gave more power to the Roman bishop. With political power gone in the west, most important person was the bishop there. Religious and political power there. Pope was official title by 590, but used before then informally. Many able Roman bishops that used their power. Damasus I. commissioned Jerome to translate Vulgate. Ruled 366-384. Leo I, the Great. Ruled 440-461. Saved Rome from being invaded twice because of diplomatic relations with barbarians. Defined a defense of orthodoxy.

II. Growth of the Liturgy

Impressed with how far they have come. Union of church and state called for more ritual, and barbarians brought their own practices there. Compromises were made. Statues and pictures. Specific changes: number of festivals increased. Increase of number of sacraments from 2 to 7:

  1. Baptism
  2. Eucharist
  3. Confirmation
  4. Marriage
  5. Ordination
  6. Penance
  7. Extreme Unction (anointed the sick and the dying, giving of grace to these people)

One could not do them all, such as ordination and marriage. Veneration of saints. Prayers offered through the saints. Rise and trade of relics. Piece of the cross, tears of Mary. Holy objects. Veneration of Mary, and apocryphal books attested miracles to her. She was considered the mother of God. Perpetual virginity. A sinless life. 450, she was head of saints, 590, a unique position above all the saints. Pilgrimages to Palestine and tombs of saints. Antiphonal singing. These things came in gradually.