The Post-Nicene Fathers (325-451)


Use their skills to defend their faith

I. Eastern Post-Nicene Fathers

John Chrysostom: (347-407) Golden-mouthed because he was a great preacher, and eloquent. Born in Antioch, became a lawyer. Became a monk, and then he was called to become a preacher. Top position in the eastern church, Patriarch of Constantinople. Continued to preach there in the church, and was banished by the empress of Constantinople because he preached to her from the pulpit, about extravagant dress and a silver statue she set up for herself. Best remembered for his sermons (640 have survived). Most of them were from Pauline epistles, and excellent study and practical application. Literal interpretation. No allegory. Antiochean school.

Eusebius of Caesarea: Well-educated and well read man. Gentle by nature, and did not like debate and controversy. He tried to reach a compromise at the council of Nicea. Better known as the father of church history. Works: Ecclesiastical History. Traced history of church from beginning to 324, his present day. Did this to show the divine origin of the church.

II. Western Post-Nicene Fathers

Jerome: Italian by birth, from Venetia. Wandering student. Went into monastic life. Became personal secretary to bishop of Rome (Damasus I). Bishop suggested he make a new translation of the Bible, Latin Vulgate. He did this in Bethlehem. Became the official Bible of the church for awhile, 1000 years. He also wrote commentaries.

Ambrose: From Italy. Born into a politician’s family, was a governor. In 374, he became the bishop of Milan. Did not have adequate theological training or in the Bible. Fearless administrator. Theodotius I was refused communion (he was the emperor), because he called for a killing of Thessalonians. Theodotius did repent. Ambrose’ preaching was allegorical. Led Augustine to Christ.

Augustine: Bishop of Hippo, sometimes considered greatest of church fathers. Born in North Africa into Roman official’s family. Mother was a Christian. Prayer of her son becoming a Christian was not answered until later. Converted in 386. He meditated in a garden after Ambrose preached. He took up the Scriptures after hearing a voice, take up and read. (Romans 13). Ten years later he became a bishop of Hippo. (aside: Hippo means horse in Greek. Philip means lover of horses). Works: Confessions. Laid bear his soul before God, and spiritual journey. Exegetical and philosophical works, theological works, including that of the Trinity, polemical works, practical and pastoral works. Wrote a lot of letters. Apologetical work: City of God, Dealt with the Fall of Rome, not fault of Christianity, should be blamed upon paganism, and lasted only by the grace of God. Theory of history, contrasting city of God and city of men, former consists of those who love God, and seek His glory, either of men or angels. The latter consist of those who love themselves. Traces the theme throughout history. He ignores God’s plans for the Jews. He is an amillenialist. The age of the church was the millennium. Influence of Augustine: Forerunner of the Reformation, Talked about salvation by God’s sovereign grace. Supported a lot of Roman Catholic ideas. Visible church, believed in doctrine of purgatory. Overemphasized the Sacraments, that they have saving power. The church of this age would bring everybody in.