The Beginnings of Monasticism


Dealing with a way of life that is ascetic. Monks, nuns, hermits. Withdrawal from society, with late Roman Empire.

I. Causes

Gnostic way of life, drive people away from society. Passages in Scripture (1 Corinthians 7), live single. Psychological and historical. Substitution for martyrdom and crucify the self.

II. Development of Monasticism

Started with asceticism within the church. This led to people becoming hermits. This led to associates of the hermits. They came to be close by to them because they were considered holy. Then Organized communities began, called monasteries.

In the east: Anthony, considered a Godly man, and lived in Egypt. Lived in a cave, and others lived around him, but remained separate. Simeon Stylites started out by being buried up to his neck, and then sat on a pole. Bosci and went out and grazed in the field as cattle. Some did not bathe, and some did not wear clothes, and one killed a mosquito and went out in grief and let them bite him a swamp. 1st community in Egypt.

In the west: different from east. Communal organization was of more importance because of colder climate. More practical effect, useful work of Monks. Benedict of Nursia, greatest western leader of monasticism, Monte Casino was founded in Italy, a monastery. During WWII it was shelled and was rebuilt. Established a rule of life: 1) Poverty 2) Chastity 3) Obedience. Evaluation: Helped to improve agriculture. Kept scholarship alive during the dark ages. Established school for teaching young people. Copied manuscripts. Translated books, wrote histories. Monks became the missionaries of the medieval era. Provided refuge for people who needed help. Bad points: many of the best people and talented people did not use their talents for the good of society and the rest of the church. Different behavior standards for monks and regular people. Monks should not get married, the common man should get married. Fostered spiritual pride.