Medieval Learning and Worship


I. Scholasticism (1050-1350)

Universities were founded.

A. Its nature

Intellectual movement that tried to harmonize theology and philosophy. Faith and reason together. Not try to find new truth, but that their truth they had was rational. Aristotle’s writings from Muslims in Spain.

B. The causes of its rise

Friars were interested in this. University movement. Oxford University was one of the first. University of Paris. Bologna University. Not much money, no campuses, but borrowed quarters like churches. Gained prestige because they were chartered by the popes, and wealthy people.

C. Its schools of thought.

Realists: Tended to follow the ideas of Plato. The forms, real world vs. shadows of the real that we see. Applied this to spiritual truth. The universal is before the particular. Qualities like love and truth and goodness in this world are only shadows of the real universal which is God. Deductive. How is God related with.

Moderate realism: Inclined to follow Aristotle. The Universal and the particular are together and not separate worlds. You are seeing the real thing. Every act of love has a characteristic of loveness. Every desk has qualities of the concept of a desk.

Nominalism: Nominalists, the particulars that are observed, and you form an idea of them in your mind, and that is the universal. We invented God. Inductive. There is no way to prove God, but accept on church’s authority.

Where does true reality lie? was the question they asked.


Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, Realist. Doctrine of the Atonement. Wrote, Why did God become Man? Argued for the atonement man owes to God honor and obedience. However, man has robbed God of His honor through his sin. Therefore, he owes God an eternal debt he could not pay. Jesus, the Godman satisfies God’s demand by paying the debt for us. Theory of Atonement a satisfaction theory. He left out love of Jesus, debt vs. payment only, commercial. How do we get the benefits of the death of Christ? Have faith. Anselm answers this question by sacraments and the Church. This is the key argument, do what the church says.


Peter Abelard. Brilliant thinker, arrogant. Relationship with Eloise whom he tutored. Separated from her at monastery. Superiority of reason. Moral influence theory. Jesus Christ died to impress us with the love of God. Set up contradictions among the church fathers. Under suspicion of heresy, but died before charges were brought about.

Albertus Magnus, Albert the Great, Universal Doctor. Great teacher and one of his students has become famous, Thomas Aquinas.

Thomas Aquinas, Dominican friar. Large head, called the ox. Wrote trying to reconcile Aristotle’s philosophy. Synthesize faith and reason in Summa Theologiae.


John Duns Scotus (John Donne, the Scot). Began to recognize the individual over the church

William of Ockham: Theological truth cannot be demonstrated by reason. Accept of it authority of Bible and Church.

Roger Bacon: He began to conduct scientific experiments, which was unheard of. Paved away for Scientific Revolution. Started with particulars he observed, and then formed conclusions. Accused him of black magic.

D. Results

Used narrow approach, and fell into arguments of trivia. Example: Could God taken upon Himself the form of a woman, devil, ass, cucumber, flint stone? Could have been crucified, work miracles if so?

II. Aspects of Medieval Worship.

A. Cathedrals

2 architectural types.

Romanesque, Roman like. Heavy exterior, heavy construction, walls, dark interior, and rounded arches.

Gothic. Pointed arches, especially at the end. Known for system of buttresses, and flying buttresses, these were slanted and looked like wings. Lighter interior. Stained glass windows. They taught Bible storied and spiritual truths. Took a long time to build 50-100 years. The style would change in the middle of the building, different spires. Sculpture was made to fit around what they are doing, sometimes distorted. The worshippers attention was always directed upward, with high ceilings. The people were bystanders, and not worshippers, to be in awe. A lot of symbolism, pointing heavenward.

B. The Mass

Lord’s Supper is main part. Preaching disappeared. Transubstantiation. Also Communion in one kind. Got bread with no cup. Only priest partook of the cup. There were those who drank too much out of cup. Keeping blood of the Lord away from the people??? But they said that people got both in one.

C. Polyphonic singing

Many voices and voice parts. Simultaneous moving parts all at the same time, trained choirs, no congregational singing.