Organization, Worship, and Social Practices of the New Testament Church


People from Pentecost went out. People scattered after Stephen’s death. Paul goes out. Message comes out of Jerusalem. Gospel centered around major cities, not rural areas. While Gospel was spreading, much was happening within the NT church.

The Christian is a part of an organism and an organization. Former being the Body of Christ, the latter the local churches. No universal organization in NT, just universal organism.

I. Fact of organization in NT

There were officials. Met at appointed times. Acts 20, First day of the week. Exercised discipline. 1 Corinthians 5. Collected and dispensed money. 1 Corinthians 16:2.

II. Officials in the church

Procedure for choosing officials: Jesus chose apostles. Apostles designed other offices, Acts 14, as they were needed. Titus was alone in Crete. Elders, what about deacons. 1 Timothy in Ephesus, talks about elders and deacons. Perhaps democratic, perhaps appointment. Elected in Acts 6. Regardless, these peoples have a calling from God as well as a human call.

Charismatic: gift of the Holy Spirit. Cf. Ephesians 4. (Apostles had to see the risen Christ.) Prophets, preached, exhorted people. 1 John 4-5, false prophets. Evangelists, proclaiming the gospel. Pastor-teachers, edifying the saints. These people are shepherds.

Administrative: elders and deacons. Elders also overseers, bishops, presbyters. Highest ranking officers in the congregation. 1 Timothy 3, also able to teach. Elders always mentioned in the plural. Deacons: lower position, same spiritual qualifications. Did not have to teach though. Concerned with the material and physical needs of the church. Sometimes trustees. Women in this position?

III. Worship in the NT Church

Location: They met in homes, Temple, synagogues, open air (i.e. Philippi with Lydia). Place not important.

Time: Met twice on first day of the week. Singing, exhortation, prayers in morning. Evening given over to love agape feast and communion. Collections for the poor.

Ordinances: Baptism and Lord’s Supper. Baptism was the first outward sign of conversion, initiatory rite. Latter remembrance of the Lord’s death.

IV. The Church and Social Issues

Poverty: Many Christians poor, collections for sick and the needy. Jerusalem poverty. Famine in Acts 11. After their confessions, people lost jobs and lost support of family, etc.

Slavery: Widespread social evil. Could be found anywhere, Romans sold prisoners into slavery. Scriptures say that slaves should submit, and masters kindly, but the message is emancipation. The two were at an equal level. Philemon should receive Onesimus as a brother. Paul would like Onesimus to help in his ministry. Legend says he was eventually freed. Did not attack slavery directly, but the message of the Gospel...

Pagan practices around them: Apostles preached against immorality and idolatry, separation from these things. Do not harm body, temple of Spirit. Refrain from leading weaker brother to stray. i.e. meat sacrificed to idols. 1 Corinthians 8. Do all things to the glory of God.

Relation to civil authority: Obey them. Romans 13, under Nero. Under all circumstances except when you would disobey God. Need to be ready to take punishment. Revolution is not taught, overthrowing the governmental power.

NT church was very simple, Places were simple. Later there was a rise of fancy buildings, and services, etc.