Creationism Series 2024


This series of lessons on creationism will enforce the importance of a literal interpretation of Genesis 1-11. Some of the material came from Answers in Genesis, including their website and their museums, the Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter. A special thanks to our fellow believers there.

  1. The Importance of Genesis 1-11: God as Creator and Judge
  2. The Creation
  3. Evolution and the Big Bang
  4. Compromising God’s Creation Account
  5. The Garden of Eden
  6. Dinosaurs in the Bible
  7. Dinosaurs and Dragons
  8. The Fall
  9. The Curious Ages of the Ancient World
  10. The Flood
  11. The Ark
  12. The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9)
  13. Historicity of the Tower of Babel and Its Cultural Context
  14. Genesis 1-11 in the New Testament