
The way we see the Bible denigrated in today’s society, one would think the Bible is a product of Bronze Age myths, written centuries after the events it claims to record. No wonder why so many people think the Bible is irrelevant and fallible! I hope this short book gave you a snapshot into the subject of Bibliology, and that you know that we can indeed trust our Bible today.

There are many other subjects that could be discussed about the Bible. Having only scratched the surface on this wonderful subject, I hope you are inspired to learn more about the Bible, and more importantly, appreciate how God has preserved His Word throughout the millennia.

Of utmost importance is the need to realize that, apart from God’s grace, we are His enemies, destined to face His wrath in the future. The message of the Bible is that the Creator God Himself sent His Son Jesus Christ, perfect and without sin, to die on the cross for us. He paid our sin debt, a debt that we could never repay. Jesus rose from the dead and ascended to heaven. The Bible predicted all of these events ahead of time, so we can also be assured that He will return to the earth, as He has said. The Bible’s message is indeed relevant today: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).

Previous: Chapter 6: Then Opened He Their Understanding

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