
This short book was originally taught as a series of presentations in a local church. While it only scratches the surface regarding the doctrines of bibliology, I believe that this book will give the average reader a better understanding of the Bible as the revealed Word of God.

We will first look at general and special revelation, which concerns what we can learn about God by observing nature, and supernatural communication from Him, respectively. Next, we will look at the internal evidence of the Bible being God’s Word. In the third chapter, we will look at the doctrine of inspiration, infallibility, and inerrancy. In chapters four and five, we will look at the canonicity and the manuscripts of the Old Testament and the New Testament, respectively. In chapter six, we will finally look at some general principles of Bible interpretation and some pitfalls to avoid.

I hope you enjoy this brief primer on bibliology, and that you may learn something new!

Next: Chapter 1: The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

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