Everything Is Wrong


I do not usually write this strongly, but I feel that occasionally we need a dose of fire in our lives.

Our country is in spiritual shambles. Look around, read the news, see what politicians are doing, and see the nations raging. And then look at our churches. Everything is wrong.

People are choosing sides based off an arbitrary political divide that separates the Republicans and the Democrats. Yes, you heard me. Political parties have “convictions” because they want to tell people what they want to hear so they can have power and money. They chide Bush for Iraq and then love Obama for Libya, and vice versa, depending on what “side” they are on. This is wickedness. Innocent people are being killed everywhere. Wickedness! Everything is wrong.

Abortion is killing countless innocent babies daily. Daily! So you can have your immoral sex, or your selfish lives that have no room for children. Wickedness! You kill for your own pleasure! This country is wicked and makes me sick. You heard me right. The patient, the doctor, and the nurse that commit abortion commit infanticide. Baby murderers! How sick do we have to become before God destroys our country! Everything is wrong.

Alcohol, cigarettes, drug abuse, and so on continues. Parties that involve such are glorified in our movies and attract so many young people to reap grave consequences. Maybe we should teach children the reality of the consequences of these things: Addiction, drunkenness, people lying in pools of vomit, lung cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, AIDS from intravenous drugs, domestic violence, drunk drivers killing themselves and innocent people... We have all seen the pictures of disfigured faces of those who were harmed by drunk drivers. Wickedness! Why? Everything is wrong.

We are surrounded by sex. It is in our TV shows, billboards, magazines, and every form of media everywhere. Women are wearing immodest clothing (to say the least). We are bombarded by these things to normalize sexual perversion of every kind! And we wonder why there is so much fornication, adultery, and divorce. Everything is wrong.

Homosexuality is out of the closet and in your face. Gay pride should be sorrowful shame. They want us to think that their lifestyle is normal. Wickedness! Do not listen to them. This is not normal; this is wrong! Everything is wrong.

Witchcraft is in our movies, books, and video games. We fill our minds with the “supernatural” but never see Jesus Christ! We think it is okay to be fascinated by evil spirits and vampires! Everything is wrong.

The wicked television is the medium for getting all these evil ideas into our minds. Yet we plop in front of the idiot box every day to get our dose of Hollywood weirdoes that are trying to normalize everything written above! These perverts become our role models! Not in my house! Never! My children will not be educated by Hollywood’s agenda! Everything is wrong.

I could keep going about the gambling, prostitution, pornography, evolutionist religion (but no other religion) in public schools and anything else wicked in our society. But do you want to know the main reason for all this filth in our society?

It is our churches. Not some abstract institution out there. It is you! It is me! It is every person that names the name of Christ and is not preaching the truth. We are not preaching the pure gospel! We are not enumerating the filthy sins of our wicked society! Do not blame the wicked politicians. Do not blame the rich and famous. It is us. We are not preaching salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ. We are not calling the spade a spade when it comes to sin. We preach love without truth! There is a lot more preaching against sin than preaching love in the Bible. Read Deuteronomy 28!

Somebody please stand up and tell it like it is! Will somebody who is a follower of Jesus Christ start calling drunkenness, homosexuality, divorce, and infanticide all sin that God hates! Stop the complacency! Stop the lukewarm, feel-good, Hallmark, Disneyland teaching that is in our churches and start breathing fire against the ills that are destroying our society! Stop trying to find the purpose of your life in wickedness and come to the God who designed your life! If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, eradicate everything in your life that God hates. Then maybe our society can be saved, if it is not too late.