Lesson Plan 2: The Parable of the Sower



Mark 4:1-20


The student will be able to define what category of Christian they are, will become a more active member of the Body of Christ, and take the first steps to share Christ with an unbeliever in his life. Question for the class: “What stands in our way of following Christ?”


There is a Chinese proverb that was often referred to in a class I once took in college. The proverb goes like this:

I hear, and I forget;
I see, and I remember;
I do, and I understand.

To me, it was just an annoying phrase the professor used. However, when applying it to God’s Word, it takes on a very powerful meaning that supports Scripture. Many people hear God’s Word, and some also read it. Only when doing the will of God is when one understands it.

Study, Part 1: The Detached Heart

Read the entire passage. Answer the following questions on those about the wayside who hear the word of God:

  1. Who are those by the wayside who hear the Word of God?
  2. What is the reason for this?
  3. What makes this group different from the others?

Possible discussion overview:

The word is sown, but the devil takes it away before there is any interaction between the word and the heart. Possible explanations for this are because of the pride of the individual and the steadfastness of one’s own way of life that they will not change. The word makes no heart penetration, and there is no change whatsoever in the person’s life.

What are some Biblical examples of such a person? Possible answers (by no means is this a limitation):

  1. Pharisees and Sadducees. These are people that love to study the word of God and to devote their lives to it. Yet, at the same time, when they see Jesus, they do not recognize Him. Their minds know God’s word well, but the heart contains no portion of it.
  2. Judas Iscariot. After all of what was shown to him as a disciple, he still had no reverence for Christ and betrayed him. His heart was after his own interests from the beginning.
  3. Balaam. This man was a false prophet that knew the sovereignty of God and knew that he could not curse His people. Yet, he was continually after ways to cause them to stumble.

What role does this group have in the Kingdom of God? The only answer to this question is nothing. There is no change of heart; therefore, they remain in darkness. They either walk away from God’s word or choose to attack it.

Study, Part 2: The Tickled Heart

Read the whole passage. Answer the following questions on those by the stony ground.

  1. Who are those where to word falls on stony ground?
  2. What causes them to fall?
  3. What is the reason for this?

Summary of discussion:They gladly receive the word of God, yet they fall away when under the pressure of persecutions and tribulations for the word’s sake. The word may touch their heart, but the heart’s core is never reached. There is a temporary change within them, but nothing substantial for them to persevere in times of trouble.

What are some Biblical examples of this type of person? Possible examples:

  1. The Galatians. This church received the message of the Gospel, but Judaizers slipped in and spoke to them about a false, legalistic gospel. They started to question everything, and Paul rebukes them sharply.
  2. Lot. After his town of Sodom burned, he moved to a cave, drank heavily, and ended up fathering two nations that would be enemies of Israel. Instead of trusting God, he despaired.
  3. The wife of Job. After all that was taken away from Job and he was at his lowest, his wife told him that he should curse God and die. She once was blessed with a family and property, but then in a short hour had nothing. This is her solution when things get difficult.

What purpose does this group have in the Kingdom of God? They have little role. Those that decide that God is not for them just because they are persecuted for Him have no part in the Kingdom. Persecution is part of growing as a Christian. The heart has not been changed little in this case; it is just a burst of enthusiasm that will die down when things get rough. They seem to be saved, but their scorched faith does little for its advancement.

Study, Part 3: The Divided Heart

Read the entire passage. Answer the following questions on those who dwell among the thorns:

  1. Who are the ones among the thorns?
  2. What causes them to turn away from God’s word?
  3. What is the reason for this cause?

Possible discussion overview: Those among the thorns are ones who have a preoccupation with the things of this world, and dismiss God’s word for temporary glory of physical wealth. If one cares for the things of this world and will not give them over to the Lord, then the heart is divided. Christ is looking for the willing and obedient; the divided heart will not stand because one “cannot serve God and mammon” (Matthew 6:24).

What are some possible Biblical examples? Possibilities:

  1. Solomon. Solomon was chosen to build the Temple because his reign would not be one of bloodshed. However, he gained massive material wealth and married a large number of foreign wives. He was a man of great wisdom, yet this accumulation of wealth and multiplying wives did cost him spiritually. Of course, when he wrote Ecclesiastes, he finally realized that these things are vexation of spirit, and at the end of his work realizes that trusting God and following His commands through the transient affairs of life is “the whole duty of man” (Ecclesiastes 12:13).
  2. The Church of Laodicea. The lukewarm church was filled with the wealth of the world, but in spiritual poverty. The Lord expressed clearly that He detests such false profession of belonging to Himself.
  3. The rich young ruler. This man that approaches Jesus leaves disappointed because he has to be willing to be surrender all of his wealth if necessary if he is to follow Christ. There is a desire to follow the Lord, but it stops when he is to give up the possessions he has acquired.

What role does this group have in the Kingdom of God? Just as the second type, they have little role in the Kingdom of God. The divided heart will not stand just as a divided kingdom will surely fall. People have a choice: to follow Christ or to follow the pleasing yet vanishing things of the world. Compromise cannot exist in the Body of Christ. Their faith also does little to advance the Kingdom of God.

Study, Part 4: The Transformed Heart

Read the entire passage. Answer the following questions:

  1. Who are the ones along the good ground?
  2. What is unique about this group?
  3. How is this different from the others?

Summary of discussion: What this group does is simply receive the word of God. From that day, they bear fruit. There are no outside factors like the other three groups that affect their following Christ at all: be it wealth, tribulations, or the devil. They persevere, and produce acts of true worship to God.

What are some Biblical examples? Possibilities:

  • Paul. Of course, he is a light to the Gentiles so that they may believe in Living God. He planted numerous churches and counted everything he had as loss for the cause of Christ. The Holy Spirit used him to author much of the New Testament.
  • The Church of Philadelphia. This church had kept His word and did not deny his name (Revelation 3:8). They are Christ-focused, and do not worry about tribulations and earthly splendor.
  • Moses. Though in the beginning he lacked confidence in confronting Pharaoh, he turned into a man after God’s heart, and he led Israel through the desert to the boundary of the Promised Land. He stepped out of his comfort zone to do something much bigger than just going through the motions of life. The Holy Spirit used him to author the Pentateuch.
  • What returns are there for this group in the Kingdom of God? These are the types that make up the Kingdom of God. They are not made up of compromisers or of those who are not bold in Christ. They respond to the calling of Christ to begin building His Kingdom by proclaiming the Gospel. Their minds are on putting Christ first and putting aside ephemeral worldly things fit for the garbage.


    In the world today, do we see modern day examples of these four groups? The discussion could go many different ways. Possible things that might come up:

    The first group is a common find because the great numbers of scoffers and scholars that are out to make the Bible look foolish. Many churches out there that are struggling to stay open. Personally, the church I grew up in is struggling because there are large amounts of people leaving. There are an extraordinarily large amount of preachers that have bad doctrine. There are people that have chased dreams to change Scripture to mean what they want it to mean. Many such people I know, for they hear the word and then accommodate it to fit their own needs and emotions. This is a problem throughout the world.

    Nonetheless, the Gospel is going to all nations. Thousands of ethnic groups need the Bible in their language, and there are many that are willing and currently working on this. God’s Spirit is working in the hearts of His sons and daughters around the world and still doing His miracles.


    Consider what things may inhibit them from sharing Christ with people they know. Discuss with the group who in their life is without Christ, and then pray together on opportunities to share the Gospel with them. More things can always be done to further the Gospel of Christ.