Final Thoughts

We need to be ready to sacrifice a lot of what we assume in life, often many things we take for granted day by day without a thought, and think and live very differently. Culture shock can result in stress, fatigue, and even sickness. The adjustment will be very hard, and you must be willing to change everything except for the truths that are found in the Bible.

We must be continual learners by observing what we see, inquiring and listening to those people in the host culture. Continual learning is something that ought to be our goal no matter what we do with our lives, and it is that much more important in acculturation.

Most importantly, we must remember your position in Christ, and that he is the one that upholds you. Remember humility in the host culture; they may think quite differently than us, but these people have the same need for Christ that we have. They are no better or worse than we are; they are sinners that need to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved.