Created Reality, Soul Substance and Views on Cosmology and History


Created Reality

The practice of creating reality in animistic settings is common. Creating reality refers to placing faith in a story or ritual, as well as the interpreting of daily events in light of the story. Therefore the people create some belief as to how life really is. It may or may not follow sound logic. They are believed to be true without question. This is a practice of self-deception in order to believe a lie. These things are not believed because they are true; they are true because they believe them. It is putting the cart before horse. This is all done in order explain the world in which they live, and enable them to feel more securely in an uncertain world.

Soul Substance

Often in animistic cultures, there is an impersonal force that infiltrates all of nature. It is believed that this force can be manipulated to do one’s bidding. This force also fills the human body, being refilled by magic and ritual. People’s talents and skills, as well as one’s ability in witchcraft are said to be caused by this impersonal force.

Cosmology and History

There may be multiple worlds according to an animistic culture. There is often a spirit realm that is distinct from the physical realm, and “tiers” of parallel worlds. There may or may not be a creation of the world, from where a linear view of history ensues. History very well could be cyclical. There literally may not be any beginning or end to time in an animistic worldview. After death, there is not usually a concept of judgment as in the high religions, but rather the deceased joins ancestral spirits, and at times there is a concept of reincarnation.